OTP Center


What is Mounjaro treatment?

Mounjaro is a comprehensive therapy for weight reduction that does not include any intrusive procedures and gives patients the ability to regain control of their weight. A once-weekly injectable called Mounjaro also aids in controlling blood sugar levels. Although it is now used for people with type 2 diabetes, it also has potential as a weight-loss medication.

This tested form of treatment including tirzepatide dosages were successful in lowering hemoglobin A1C levels and promoting weight reduction. Mounjaro is designed to be used in conjunction with dietary, sleeping, and exercise improvements to lead a healthier lifestyle. The medicine is anticipated to function finest in conjunction with coaching and guidance from qualified specialists such as the ones at our clinic.

How does Mounjaro work?

Although Mounjaro functions similarly to the other GLP-1 family medications, it has an additional molecule that could provide it a modest advantage.

The medication mimics the actions of two incretin hormones that are important in controlling blood sugar: glucagon-like peptide-1 also known as GLP-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide or GIP. It is the only drug in its class to act on both of these receptors thanks to its distinctive dual action.

Your Mounjaro treatment process

In most cases, 2.5 mg is the beginning dose that is advised for Mounjaro. Following the first four weeks, dosages may be raised once weekly by 2.5 mg increments, if tolerated, up to a maximum of 15 mg. Our healthcare professionals set and monitor the doses, and they may be changed to assist patients in achieving their goals for blood sugar control, weight reduction, and metabolic health.

Does this medication work to help you lose weight?

The active ingredient in Mounjaro, tirzepatide, has been shown in clinical trials to help people lose an average of up to 21% of their initial body weight when combined with a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity, as opposed to participants who took a placebo. It is one of the fastest, most trustworthy ways to help you lose weight quickly and safely.

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